21st Century Education

21st Century Education
Learning in the 21st Century

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What You Need to Know Before You Surf

Before surfing the web, students need to be aware that anyone can put anything on the web - accurate or not. Therefore it is necessary to teach students how they can evaluate sites to determine whether or not the sites are credible. By looking at the copywrite date, students can determine if the site has current information. If the site has won awards or is a link from a site that has established credibility, the students can be more confident about the material presented in that site. If the site gives information, it should cite the source of that information. If they detect a bias when reading the material, they should investigate the sponsor of the site. Finally students should always verify the information with information from other sites.

Personal safety and security is always an issue when surfing the web or visiting social networks. One should always be careful about providing personal information over the web and never give out financial information unless they are sure the site is reputable and has the lock icon at the top of the page.

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